I’m All About Goals: 2014 Edition

Last year I posted about the importance of making goals, not resolutions.  Here is a list of my goals from January of 2013:

1.  Be more positive in everything I do.  (???)
2.  Eliminate all unsecured debt. (Completed)

3.  Take another real vacation. (Completed)

The first half marathon of five that I ran last year.
The first half marathon of five that I ran last year.

4.  Run a half marathon this year (Completed)

5.  Being Mario Mendoza (Maintained)

Only a handful of people caught the fact that my first goal was in fact, a resolution.  Why is that a problem?  Because it’s hard if not impossible to verify if I accomplished it or not.  It was very subjective oriented where the rest of my goals were objective oriented.

In July, I revisited my goals, and made new ones based on the ones I had already completed.  They were:

6. Put at least 15% of after tax income into savings (Did not Complete)

Half Marathon #3: Magic City Half.  Thanks to Ryan Murphy for always being there to get pictures!
Half Marathon #3: Magic City Half. Thanks to Ryan Murphy for always being there to get pictures!

7. 8 Half Marathons in 8 Months (4 down, 4 to go)

By making goals and not resolutions, I was able to objectively measure success.  I can look back at 2013 and know that I actually achieved something, not just feel like it. So when it was all said and done, I went 4 out 5 with 1 still in progress.  For those of you who chose to make resolutions rather than goals, how did that work out for you?

2013 was a fantastic year.  I accomplished many things that I did not think were possible at the beginning of the year.  I also realized that I achieved many of my goals even before the halfway mark of last year.  I’ve taken that into consideration for my 2014 goals.  With all that being said, here are goals for 2014.

1. Run 1200 miles

Why 1200 miles?  Simple.  That’s the amount required to get a Birmingham Track Club jacket.  It also requires me to be very consistent all year.  It’s a little over 23 miles a week, or a 5k every day of the year.  It will also be a goal I cannot complete by June.  For what it’s worth, I ran just over 543 miles this year.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can run a half in one of these...
Unfortunately, I don’t think I can run a half in one of these…

2. 12 half-marathons in 12 months.

I’m essentially extending my 8 half-marathons for 8 months challenge for the rest of this year.  The challenge is going to be finding races I want to run after April when temperatures start heating up.  The only exception to this rule is that if I run a race further than a half, I’m counting it as my de-facto race for the month because…

3. Run my first marathon

I really don’t want to run a half-marathon and a marathon in the same month.  It’s expensive enough as it already is.  I quietly had plans to run my first half on December 14th, but I made the call two weeks before not to attempt it.

River Thomas: The brave young man I'm running for.
River Thomas: The brave young man I’m running for.

4. Raise the $1300 I committed myself to raise for the BellRunners

Back in October, I signed up for the Mercedes Half-Marathon as a Bell Runner.  I committed myself to raising $1300 for the Bell Center in Birmingham. Right now I’ve only managed to raise $25.  So what is the Bell Center? The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs is dedicated to maximizing the potential of children from birth to three years of age who are at risk for developmental delay.  As a Bell Runner, I have been assigned a child to raise money in his honor.  I plan on meeting him when I get back from Pasadena.  This is where I need your help. I have a little over a month to reach this $1300  goal.  So if you want to help me, you can click this link here to learn more.  Thanks for your support!

5. Outline my Autobiography
It wasn't all bad.  At one point in my life I was a trendsetting dresser.
It wasn’t all bad. At one point in my life I was a trendsetting dresser.

This goal is not meant to sound egotistical.  But this goal won’t make sense if you haven’t read my blog “Hope Can Feed a Starving Man for Years on End…”  I have a great memory, but I honestly don’t remember very much from the first 17 years of my life, especially the first 12 years.  What I can remember was hellish at times, sprinkled with some good parts, but mostly frustration.  It doesn’t help that I know about it, but don’t remember it.  There are fragments that I sometimes piece together.  But overall, a lot of its a blank.  I know my own story.  I’ve heard the details so often that I can visualize it, but I don’t remember it.  Why is this important?  Because some people need hope.  I can’t imagine being in my parents shoes facing some of the issues they faced with me.  I lived through it, but ultimately they made the choices that allowed me to be me. I don’t remember much, but I want to know all of it.  It’s a story that needs to be told.  I think I can write it.  I’ve got to start somewhere and it begins by getting it into an outline.  This by far, is the most challenging goal I’ve set.  It’s going to require quite a bit of input from family members.

6.  Write on this Blog at least once a month

I started this blog as a way to vent, convey, or just to tell stories.  During football season, JP Predict’s takes up a good bit of time.  But there is no reason for me to go months between posts.  It’s just bad form.

7.  Pay off my Second Mortgage

Last year, I paid off all my unsecured debt.  It’s been a huge burden lifted from my shoulders.  My goal this year is to get it down to just a mortgage.  

I wonder if he lwants bacon?
I wonder if he lwants bacon?

8.  Start saving 10% of every after tax dollar.

I don’t think I need to add anymore detail.  Thanks for reading my goals.  I’ll periodically update you as the year progresses.  Thanks for reading my goals.  Now help hold me accountable.

A challenge for me, a challenge for you…

I just finished reading my last entry and realized it has been almost three whole months since I wrote for this blog.  Shame on me.  My entries so far this year have focused on goals… specifically my goals.  Last time out I referenced my five goals and my progress.  For those of you who haven’t been keeping up at home or too lazy to read my last two posts, here are my 2013 Goals:

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Being Mario Mendoza?

1.  Be more positive in everything I do.  (In progress)

2.  Eliminate all unsecured debt. (COMPLETE)

3.  Take another real vacation. (Kinda-sorta)

4.  Run a half marathon this year (COMPLETE)

5.  Being Mario Mendoza (Steady as she goes…)

Last time I wrote it was right before I ran my first half marathon in April.  I really should have taken the time to write a blog entry about the experience, but I did not.  I completed my first half with an official time of 2:22:24.  That was 2 seconds slower than what I was aiming for.  Not bad for a 13.1 mile run, but I know I can do better.

So what’s next?

At least I wasn't last...
At least I wasn’t last…

The best thing to do when you reach goals is to celebrate them and then move on by setting new ones.  I completed goals #2 and #4 early in the year.  I originally intended to run my first half-marathon sometime later this Fall, but peer pressure pushed that time frame up.  The elimination of all unsecured debt was actually a left over goal from last year.  So two goals complete means two new goals to set.  So what are they?

1. Put at least 15% of after tax income into savings

That sounds like a lot of money to put back, but its essentially re-purposing the money I was spending to pay off debt and just putting it into savings.  I’ve actually been doing this since March.  I still use my credit cards several times a month for sizable, planned purchases.  However, I always pay them off before the next cycle.  The second goal is a bit more crazy…

2. 8 Half Marathons in 8 Months

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At the finish line of my first half marathon.

I know some of you probably just read that goal and said “What the…”  To be honest, my plan was to run a full marathon before the end of this year.  However, I decided that I wanted to work my way up to running a marathon so that I wouldn’t just treat it like a bucket list item and only do it once.  Since my first half-marathon, I’ve continued to run… even in these awful summer months.  I was training, but I wasn’t sure for what…

About two weeks ago, I noticed the Birmingham Track Club sponsors a “Triple Crown Half Marathon Challenge.”  Three half-marathons in three months.  I looked at the line up and realized that none of the races would interfere with college football or Montevallo plans.  So I contacted my running buddy Ash and he said he would join me in the challenge.

Then I started looking at other races I wanted to run in the cooler Fall/Spring months and I realized that I could easily find at least one half-marathon every month all the way through April.  Then the most dangerous thing started happening, I started scheming… I talked to a couple of my trusted and much more advance running friends and they told me that I should be capable of this feat as long as I stayed injury free.  They told me as long as I don’t try and push for a full marathon during this time I probably would be alright… Probably.  You have to remember, some of these people run 18 miles once a week and call it a Sunday run.

So my own personal challenge was born.  8 half-marathons in 8 months.  This will be a bit of a challenge for me, but I feel like it will push me to be a better runner and continue to stay in shape.  It will also help me push for a full marathon next fall.  So here is my race schedule for the next 8 months.  The first three races are set in stone as well as the Mercedes.  The rest are tentative.

If Simon Pegg can do it..
If Simon Pegg can do it..

September 22, Talladega Half Marathon

October 12, Montgomery Half Marathon

November 24, Magic City Half Marathon

December 7 or 29th, Panama City Half Marathon

January 12, Servis1st First Bank First Light Marathon, Mobile

February 16, Mercedes Half Marathon, Birmingham

March – Tuscaloosa or Seaside Half Marathon

April –  Homewood 4.13 Half Marathon

My plan is to keep a running journal about this challenge on this website.  I’m either going to really like running after all of this or I’m going to take up cross-stitching or crotchet instead.  Now for my challenge for you…

So what is the challenge for you?

Many of you know that I started writing about college football two years ago during my exploits with the Tiger Tail Team Van.  The best thing to come out of that whole experience was that I started writing again.  My Tales from the Road segment was well read on the Tiger Tail Team website as well as at the AUFamily website.  When it became impossible to continue on with the Tiger Tail Team, I decided to continue on with my favorite part of writing, which was the predictions.  It appealed to me because my non-Auburn friends were reading it.

We love all things jorts at JP Predicts.
We love all things jorts at JP Predicts.

Last year I decided to start a website based solely on predicting SEC football games in a humorous manner.  I named it JP’s Politically Incorrect Predictions.  Without the help of my friends Ryan, Ash, and “Honest Abe” I would have never been able to get it off the ground.  When it was all said and we produced 47 articles and had over 30,000 visitors to our page.  Not bad for a website that doesn’t have any advertising.

We want to grow the website even more this year, but we need your help to do it.  Last year most of our traffic came from a small handful of individuals sharing our stuff on SEC message boards.  Despite numerous likes, comments, and returning visitors, most people failed to like our facebook page and were dependent on the same people to provide them with weekly links to our articles.

We love the fans...
Expect to see pictures like this, often.

Here is my challenge to you…

If you read and enjoy our “Politically Incorrect Predictions” and other stories please like them, share them, and help us grow.  We aren’t doing this website to make money, but to have fun.  We realize that not everyone is a college football fan or enjoys our type of humor.  But if you do, please help spread the word.  Most, if not all of you have family, friends, co-workers, or enemies that would get a kick out of what we write.  Besides, it’s much easier to write when you know you have hundreds if not thousands reading your material as opposed to dozens of people.  So please help us out if you can!  And if you already are like my friends Chris, Michael, and Jamie… we are truly thankful.  If you didn’t see one of the twenty links to our website, here is another one for you.


Until next time…

Goals, Goals, Goals… (a quick update)

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Reaching for your goals can be tough… especially in a suit.

Way back in January, I made a brief blog post about why goals are so much better than resolutions.  I haven’t written anything for the internetz since.  I went as far as to include five realistic goals for this year. (I guess I can be thankful writing wasn’t one of my goals)  They are:

1.  Be more positive in everything I do.

2.  Eliminate all unsecured debt.

3.  Take another real vacation

4.  Run a half marathon this year

5.  Being Mario Mendoza

So how am I progressing on these goals?  Well, I’ve made progress on all goals and after this weekend, I should have two of them completely marked off the list.

1. Being more positive in everything I do

The first goal on my list is more subjective than objective and can be difficult to measure.  It is the most resolution sounding goal on my list.  I honestly haven’t found the best way to try and measure this goal. However, I wake up every morning and try and find the good in the world around me.  At the same time, I’m trying not to lose my objectivity when it comes to tough or problematic situations where being positive is not a realistic option.  When this happens, I try to focus my energy on finding a positive solution.  Often this involves asking myself the “miracle question” which is the key to Solution Focused Therapy. I’ve found it to be a tremendous help.  I actually used this approach in coming up with my short term and long term goals.

Current status:  On-going

2.  Eliminate all unsecured debt

I actually started making a concerted effort to eliminate all unsecured debt last year.  I’m very proud to say that I achieved this goal back in March.  It’s quite nice not having to pay interest on a credit card.  Now I’m actively starting to save all the money I was spending on paying off my credit cards to build a formidable savings account back up.  Then the next step after that is active investing…

Sorry goggles, not this year...
Sorry goggles, not this year…

Current status: Completed

3. Take another real vacation

I haven’t taken vacation yet this year.  I was tempted to take a ski trip, but I didn’t.  I’m pretty sure I’ll take a trip to the beach sometime in August.  If I could amend this goal, it would be to take an international vacation.  I’m working on that right now…

Current Status: In progress

4.  Run a half marathon this year

No caption necessary.  You can make up your own.
No caption necessary. You can make up your own.

My original plan called for me to run a half marathon sometime this far.  Right now I’m way ahead of schedule.  I’m signed up to run a half marathon this weekend in Homewood.  For those of you who have been paying attention, I’ve started logging some miles and distance the last several weeks.  I can thank the quicker than planned attempt at the half to my friends from the “Monday Runday” run group at Tin Roof.

Current Status: Soon, real soon…

5. Being Mario Mendoza

You’d think I would start shedding some serious pounds with as much running/working out as I have been doing.

What ludicrous speed may look like.
What ludicrous speed may look like.

I really haven’t.  However, my metabolism has definitely started to shift into ludicrous speed.  So I’m definitely eating more right now…  and I’m continuing to be Mario Mendoza

Current Status: Steady as she goes

So what does this all mean?  It’s about time to reassess and replace my completed goals with some new ones.   Like running, it all begins by putting one foot in front of the other…